Page last updated on: Sunday, 28 March, 2021.

Who lived or worked in Individual Properties in Gatehouse

In this section we are attempting to identify who has lived in each house in Gatehouse. This is a very time-consuming process and has involved checking transfer of ownership records and combining this with census records, valuation rolls and various business and telephone directories.

Numbers which appear in the census returns as part of the address field are not the house numbers that we use today. For example Fleet Street 10 represents the 10th household in Fleet Street that the enumerator visited, not no.10 Fleet Street. Different censuses were carried out in different orders : one enumerator may have walked down the 'odd numbers' side of the street before the 'even numbers' side, and he may have done one side of the street from west towards east and come back down the street in the opposite direction. 

Because of the above it is very difficult to immediately locate exactly who lived in each house. But by studying all censuses together and using details from house deeds etc. we hope to be able to place a large number of inhabitants into specific houses. This work is ongoing and will appear here when we have enough to make public.

We are very much indebted to David Steel who has spent many hours looking through property deeds at New Register House in Edinburgh to find out who owned various properties throughout Gatehouse and hence provided a chronology of ownership.

For personal privacy reasons we have removed the names of people who have bought private houses recently, but for shops and businesses we have sometimes relaxed this constraint.

If, through personal family history connections, or by other means, you can identify mistakes, then please do get in touch with us and email  Graham & Margaret.