Page last updated on: Tuesday, 2 May, 2023.

and weather events

John Veitch, farmer at Low Creoch, is very fond of taking and sharing photographs with the less rural among us. He posts regularly on Facebook. He is also an amateur meteorologist who loves cloud formations and to measure rainfall.  He is in fact an official Met.Office Volunteer Rainfall Observer.

We have received some of his more recent rainfall data and present his summaries below. If this information is useful, he has some years of historic data that we may include as downloadable .pdf files.

Low Creoch is 25m above sea level, on the eastern side of the Fleet Valley with a SW aspect.

2024 : Rainfall

month mm rain dry days wettest mm   Notes 
Jan 122.9 13 22nd 31.0  
Feb 168.6 6 14th 32.3 Very wet period from late 13th to early 15th. 20th-21st also very wet. Rest of the month seemed to be better, felt like more than 6 dry days.
Mar 179.2 3 13th 28.1 Pretty uninspiring month
Apr 156.2 5 8th 26.8 Rained every day for 3 weeks. Not as wet as elsewhere. Seemed more than it actually was....  nocht spectacular.
May 86.8 14 22nd 28.7 6 consecutive dry days, 1st time since January. Otherwise nothing unusual.
Oct         .

2023 : Rainfall

month mm rain dry days wettest mm   Notes 
Jan 205.1 5 12/13 42.3 snow showers on 3 days (but only light)
Feb 49.3 11 16th 14.3 a dry month - another 6 days of <0.5mm rain
Mar 207.3 5 12th 42.4 15th also wet (35.6mm). 15 days rain consecutive : 26th dry, otherwise 3 weeks of consective rain days.
Apr 105.4 12 11th 32.9 Wetter than last 2 Aprils, but not exceptionally so. Definitely a colder month.
May 46.3 24 7th 31.3 3 days <0.05mm.   8th May had 7mm.   Only 2 days of any real precipitation. Definitely a Mediterranean feel.
Jun 74.1 18 19th 19.2 19 consecutive dry days. But for 0.1 & 0.5mm rain on 20 & 21 May there would have been 31 consecutive dry days.  Proper summer weather !
Jul 169.5 3 26th 22.3 Wetter than usual for July, but not as wet as elsewhere.
Aug 67.5 6 18th 23.8 10 other days of <0.5mm makes this a drier than average August
Sep 174.8 8 15th 27.4 A lot wetter than August, but no rain after 12th September.
Oct 118.1 5 6th 29.5 Decent month compared to others. Probably slighly less than average rain.
Nov 136.3 10 12th 37.6 Nothing too extreme - "If November frosts can bear a duck there's naught to come but gutters and muck !"
Dec 317.6 1 26th 35.2 8th Dec was a close second with 34.2mm.  25 consecutive wet days.
Totals 1671.3 108     Just above average annual rainfall.   Snow fell on 7 days of the year.
2022 : Rainfall
month mm rain dry days wettest mm   Notes 
Jan 75.2 13 7th 29.6  
Feb 238.9 1 19th 28.0  
Mar 74.8 16 2nd 24.1 fair bit drier than usual
Apr 44.1 18 30th 16.4 2 days had snow/hail showers.  1st 29 days had only 27.3 mm rain
May 81.3 7 9th 15.8 old saying = the rain in May makes the hay
Jun 63.1 13 27th 15.9 8 days <1mm, so felt like a dry month
Jul 43.8 12 23rd 15.3 12 days <0.5mm so felt like another dry month
Aug 107.8 15 1st 34.8 6 more days 0.1 or 0.2mm, wettest since May, but not "wet".
Sep 187.6 9 30th 34.4 8 more days 0.1 or 0.2mm, felt like a decent month.
Oct 186.2 1 25th 27.1 total just above ave. for month, but yearly total still below ave.
Nov 222.0 3 7th 35.8 only 4 dry days from 20th September until end November
Dec 151.5 10 29th 48.3 29th Dec was the wettest day of the year
Totals 1476.3 118     Probably an average year of rainfall, despite feeling wetter than normal.
2021 : Rainfall
month mm rain dry days wettest mm   Notes 
Jan 145.3 11 13th 27.3  
Feb 216.7 5 2nd-4th 106.8  
Mar 109.0 10 9th 19.5  
Apr 7.0 21 8th 3.4
this is the driest month John has ever recorded, summer or winter
May 123.1 5 20th 39.4 some very localised showers, probably the coldest May for a while
Jun 33.4 15 2nd 11.9  
Jul 27.3 18 4th 13.8 4 more days @ <0.1mm      13 consecutive dry days
Aug 97.6 15 5th 51.2  
Sep 92.3 8 26th 22.7 6 more days @<0.1mm
Oct 275.4 4 27th 53.7 wettest month of 2021 - more rain than Jul, Aug & Sep combined
Nov 120.5 9 11th 24.5 no dry days in 2nd half of month
Dec 169.7 6 10/11th 26.7 snow shower on 25th Dec
Totals 1417.6 127      

2020 : Rainfall

month mm rain dry days wettest mm   Notes 
Jan 143.9 4 27th 27.1  
Feb 275.3 2 19th 45.7  
Mar 98.6 13 9th 27.5 dry spell started 20th March
Apr 21.7 18 29th 10.6 16 dry days in a row
May 38.6 14 21st 10.7  
Jun 142.3 10 27th 36.1 27, 28 & 29 = 86.1mm
Jul 221.4 2 22nd 30.6  
Aug 176.9 11 25th 40.1 26, 27 & 28 all wet c.60+ mm
Sep 129.2 12 2nd 63.5 2 mornings of frost. Only 3rd or 4th time daily mm > 60 in 25+ yrs.
Oct 202.6 6 3rd 34.2 windy
Nov 158.3 4 13th 34.3 only 10 dry days since 27th September
Dec 198.0 8 12th 25.5 16, 17 & 18th all over 20mm rain
Totals 1806.8 104     Wetter than average year. Snow on 5 days.
          In September, Mark Hannay at Cardoness recorded 88.9 mm flash floods between Carsluith & Cardoness;



1954 : Friday 29th October at 10.30 am Rutherford Hall flood.
2015     Click here to see some photos of the Mill on the Fleet " floods on 30th December 2015.

2019 June : Flooded field at Low Creoch.



1947 March : Snow has been cleared to open up "The Cut".

2013     Click here to see some photos of the " Time Gatehouse was isolated " on 25th March 2013.