Page last updated on: Wednesday, 4 September, 2024.
Gatehouse Families
This page contains results of brief searches into various Gatehouse families. We will add to this section from time to time.
If you find errors or can add to any of the families below then please contact us at Graham & Margaret Wright.
Cally Lairds may not strictly be considered as Gatehouse Families, but on the left is a link to some details about the early ownership and occupation of Cally House.

For other Gatehouse families, click on a surname below to download a .pdf file which contains the tree for that family.





builders & stonemasons

Burnside Cottage



links to Henry

Boreland of Girthon



links to Hornsby,
Sproat & Shaw

link to McClymont

links to Hornsby & Henry

links to Dalrymple,
Henderson and McMurray

links to Henderson, McGeoch,
Faed, Fergusson & McKinnel

links to Veitch, McCourty & Crawford


links to Veitch


The Jardine & Palmer families were drapers in Gatehouse. Here is a brief timeline for each draper family ==>  Jardine.   Palmer.

links to McMichael
& Fergusson

grocers & ship owner

link to McMurray


link to Stark




links to Sproat, Blaen
& McDavid


links to Sproat, Blaen
& McDavid

links to Veitch


to be completed

link to McDavid

links to Geddes, Shephard & McCreath

house painters

links to Hughan,
Jardine & McMurray