Page last updated on: Friday, 23 March, 2018.
Gatehouse Memorabilia
Gatehouse developed as an industrial town which depended on water power. Being isolated, Gatehouse could not compete once coal-fired steam engines made machinery much more efficient. Following the demise of industry, the Gatehouse community depended on farming and tourism for its livelihood. High Street was well served with retail shops, many of which sold memorabilia to visitors. We have acquired a small collection of these and display them here.

This lamp was produced in a small quantity to celebrate the beginning of the new millenium in 2000. Several of these can be seen on the window ledges at the Ship Inn.
Souvenir Spoons & Pickle Fork
Silver Pendants
Cloth Badges & Whisky Miniature
Club Badges & Metal Lapel pins
Club Cloth Badges
Pottery Mementos