We are priviledged to have met Alan James, a historical linguist who has recently retired to Gatehouse.
Dr. Alan G. James
Alan James read philology and mediaeval at Balliol , Oxford, 1962-5, then followed a career in schoolteaching, training teachers and research in modern linguistics. He maintained his interest in place-name studies through active membership of the Scottish Place-Name Society, the Place-Name Society, and the Society for Name Studies in Britain and Ireland.
After retiring, he spent 2002-3 as a Visiting Scholar in Cambridge ’s Department of Anglo-Saxon, Norse and Celtic, studying Celtic philology. Since then he has been working on the linguistic of Northumbria and the 'Old North', and has published a number of articles on this subject in academic journals, as well as The Brittonic Language in the Old North: a guide to the place-name elements, which appears on the Scottish Place-Name Society web-site: http://spns.org.uk/resources/bliton. Having come to know Galloway well since he first came to explore the land of Dervorgilla and John Balliol, he has lived in Gatehouse since 2010. |
Click on the initial letter of a place name to download a .pdf file which should contain the name you are looking for..(new material will be added as it becomes available - work in progress)
U |
There are no names yet identified which have initial letter U, X, Y or Z.