Page last updated on: Wednesday, 21 March, 2018.

This document is a transcript of a 19-page document about the extent of the Cally Estate, that was wriiten in 1837

Search of the Incumbrances affecting the lands of Cally Girthon and others
Aneas [Aeneas] Macbean W.S.

Search the Particular Register of Sasines for incumbrances affecting all and whole the twenty pound land of Cally Girthon Comprehending the Mains of Cally Upper and Nether; the lands of Gatehouse of Fleet with the weekly Market and Customs thereof, the lands of Lochens, the lands of Fleuchlarg, the lands of Standingstone, the lands of White Crofts, the lands of Meikle Barlay, the lands of Laigh Creoch, the lands of Tannyfad;, the lands of Drumruck Lennox Upper and Nether the lands of Upper Nether and Middle Orchers or Orquhirs, the lands of Knockbrex, the lands of Barney Water, the lands of Auchincloy, the lands of High Creoch, the lands of Whinniehill, the lands of Dalmalins, ther lands of Durisdow, the lands of Drumwall, the lands of Bush, the lands of Cleuchyard, the lands of Hillhead the lands of Little Barlay and Mill of Barlay the Mill lands thereof

therof and the lands of Cairn; and all and whole the Ten merk land of Barley with Mill and fishings and pertinents of the same lying in the Parish of Girthon & Stewartry of Kirkcudbright; and also all and whole the Five pound Land of Kirkennan, the Three merk land of Blackbelly with Mill of the said Lands and the Twentyfive shilling land of Milntown with pertinents lying within the parish of Buittle and Stewartry foresaid with Tenants Tenantries and Services of free tenants parts and pendicles and pertinents and all other privileges conveniences and dependencies whatsoever pertaining to the same and also all and whole the nine merk land of Pluntown with Tower Fortalice manor place Houses biggins yards parts pendicles and pertinents of the same lying in the parish of

of Borgue and Stewartry aforesaid; as also all and whole the lands of Glengap, the lands of Fuffolk, the lands of Mark, the lands of Culcaigrie which formerly were proper parts and pentinents of the lands and Barony of Twynholm alias Compstone with Houses Biggins yards orchyards Mills astricted Multures & all parts pendicles and pertinents belonging to the same lying within the parish of Twynholm and Stewartry foresaid; as also all and whole the five merkland of Kirkconnel and Blackmark, the ten merkland of Larmannoch or Lardmannoch, the lands of Donoghmore and the fourth part of the five pound land of Ballennan or Ballannan; all and the whole the lands of Underwood and the two merk lands of Beoch with houses biggins yards orchyards mosses muirs meadows parts pendicles and pertinents whatsoever of the

the same all lying within the parish of Tongland and Stewartry foresaid, as also all and whole the Forty shilling land called Kirkland or Clauchan of Girthon with Houses biggins yards parts and pendicles and pertinents lying in the parish of Girthon and Stewartry aforesaid; also all and whole the Four merk land of Endrig and Cairns of Endrig and the croft clled Monkhole with Houses biggins yards parts pentdicles and pertinents of the same teinds parsonage and vicarage Mill and multures of the same all lying within the parish of Girthon and Stewartry aforesaid: as also all & whole the three merkland of Robertown, two merkland out of four merkland of Kinzeantown the

the Mill of Kirkandrews with the Mill Lands Multures sequels Knaveship servives privileges parts pendicles and pertinents of the same all lying within the parish of Borgue and Stewartry foresaid, as also all and whole the lands of Grobtail or Grobdaill, Lauchenghie, Cruffock, Culreoch,Laghead, Lag, Burnfoot, Carstramond and Dirrigown comprehendring the park of Lag and a piece of land called Williamsholm with the manorplace houses biggins yards orchards woods fishing mosses muirs meadows and all parts pendicles & pertinents of the same lying in the parish of Girthon and Stewartry aforesaid;  as also three quarters of the fourth parts of the five pound lands of Ballennan or Ballannan, all and whole of Meikle Wood of Tongland comprehending the lands of Meiklewood the

the lands of Lintriggs and the lands of Cowerossan; all  & whole the ten pound lands called Mains of Tongland which in the rights thereof are described as comprehending the lands of Underwood and Littlewood the lands of Park the lands of Nether Clauchan and Boatcroft the lands of Over Clauchan with Stellage and Croft and lands of Little Park, the lands of Culcrae the lands of Meiklewood and Drumbuie, with Corn and Waulk Mills of Tongland the astricted and dry multures of the same Mill lands and aqueducts of the same with the fishing of Salmon and other Fishes in the Water of Dee and other rivers used and wont with all parts pendicles and other pertinents of the said lands all lying within the

the parish of Tongland and Stewartry foresaid together with heritable office of Bailliary of the said lands and Barony of Tongland and all emoluments profits and casualties priviliges and immunities whatsoever belonging to the said office so far as concerns the said lands of Tongland at least in so far as the said office of Bailliary is not abolished by law; as also all and whole those parts and portions of the Barony of Cardoness and Dominical lands and Merse of Cardoness parts of the said Barony to wit, the lands of Boreland; all and whole the lands of Killearn and universal pertinents of the same lying in the Stewartry aforesaid which were disponed by John Gordon of Killearn in favour of John Gordon of Cardoness and which

which lands of Killearn are now known by the name of three merkland of Killearn and which said lands of Killearn are thus described in a Charter under the Great Seal dated twelfth day of February one thousand seven hundred and thirty three years in favour of the deceased John Maxwell of Cardoness Brother of David Maxwell now of Cardoness, to wit all and whole the three merk land of Killearn comprehending the two and one half merk land of Killearn of old exteut and the half merk lands of Tor of old exteut with the houses biggins and whole pertinents thereto belonging lying in the parish of Anwoth and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright and in the special service of the said David Maxwell as heir of the

the deceased Lieutenant John Maxwell of Cardoness his father dated the tenth day of September one thousand seven hundred and sixty two the said lands of Killearn and half merk lands of Tor are described as known by the name of the three merk land of Killearn; all and whole the lands of Milnmark and the three houses and yards at Milnmark: all and whole the Lands of Goatend and Parkend; all and whole the lands of Woodend; all and whole the lands of Bridgend and Fordmouth; all and whole the lands of Fleetside; all and whole the lands of High Ardwall or Over Ardwall; all and whole the lands of Gennoch; all and whole the lands of Clauchan of Anwoth called Kirkland and lands of Marcroichar or Margrochar, all and whole the lands of Bushabeill

Bushabeill, all and whole the lands of Kirkbride commonly called Meikle and Little Kirkbrides, all & whole the lands of Killigown, as also the fishing in the water of Fleet opposite to the said lands together with Teinds parsonage & vicarage of the same so far as David Maxwell of Cardoness had right thereto as Patron of the parish of Anwoth all lying in the said parish of Anwoth and in the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright together with the haile houses biggins yards orrchards tofts crofts annexis connexis parts pendicles and universal pertinents of the said lands and together with the whole woods and plantations growing upon the said lands excepting the woods sold by David Maxwell in manner mentioned in a Disposition of the said lands granted by him with the

the special advice and consent of the persons therein named in favour of the said James Murray Esquire bearing date the twenty eighth day of November and [____] day of [_____] one thousand seven hundred and sixty six years, and likewise all and whole the Barony of Laick comprehending the lands of Marshalltown, Raintown, Knockewan, Carrick and Millertown, Boreland, Clean, Airds, Macknaughtstown, Sylodioch, Cuffington, Lagonorie, Bar of Girthon, the Smiths Croft, the two Fisher's Croft and the Mill of Laick with all other lands belonging to and included in the said Barony of Laick and whole parts pendicles and pertinents of the same and together with the fishings and Teinds thereof so far as the said James Murray Esquire had right to the same all lying in

in the said parish of Girthon & Stewartry of Kirkcudbright; as also all and whole the Barony of Fleet comprehending the following lands: to wit the lands of Gatehouse of Fleet, Lochens or Loghans, Standingstone and the lands of Fleuchlarg or Flilarg lying within the said parish of Girthon and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright; and all and whole the lands of the Boreland of Cardoness comprehending the lands of Boghall, Woodend, Goatend, Bridgend, Fleetside and Fordmouth which are parts and portions of the Barony of Cardoness and lye within the parish of Anwoth, and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright aforesaid together with the whole parts pendicles and pertinents of the same with full power liberty and privilege and Jurisdiction of free Barony within

within the Limits of the said lands and particularly a full power of electing creating and appointing Baillies and other officers of a Baron Court who shale have the power of holding Baron Courts and of exercising  such Jurisdiction as is competent by law, but excepting always from the said Barony the Territory after described of the Burgh of Gatehouse of Fleet erected into one whole free and independent Burgh of Barony called Burgh of Barony of Fleet over which the powers Jurisdiction and privileges of free Barony over the lands & others above described do not extend as also all and whole the said Barony of Barony of Fleet and Territory of the same comprehending the village of Gatehouse of Fleet in so far as the same had already been

been built or might thereafter be built upon the said Lands and pertinents therein disponed within the special limits and boundaries therein after described to wit from the great stone wall along the Northwest side of the Military road at the small strand at the back of Gallowhill near the Bush or Cleughyard park to the east corner of Nathan Richmond's Feu at Gatehouse and from thence along the said Wall from the South side of the gardens of the said village to the river Fleet and along the Channel of the said river to the upper end of the old Canal & crossing the said river there along the north part of the old watercourse until it comes over against the old Castle of Cardoness and

and from thence to the south west Corner of the Court Wall of the said Castle and along the west side of the west wall of the said Court in a straight line to the West side of the Loch called Woodend Loch and down the strand running there from until it joins the river Fleet and from thence up the said river until it joins the Burn of Barley and along the said Burn to the march dyke or boundary of Flilarg which separates the said lands of Flilarg from the farm of Disdow and along the march dyke and the march or boundary which separates the lands of Gatehouse and Lochans from the lands of Hillhead and Cleughyard and cross the Military road along the said strand until it joins the foresaid wall beyond the Gallowhill before mentioned which special

special Limits are by the Charter therein mentioned declared to be the Territory of the said Burgh of Barony beyond which the rights immunities and privileges thereby conferred upon the inhabitants & Community of the same did not extend together with the whole rights privileges and immunities thereto belonging conform to and in terms of a Charter or Resignation Novodamus and Erection under the Great Seal of the said Barony of Fleet and Burgh of Barony of Fleet in his the said James Murray's favour bearing date the thirtieth day of June in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety five together with the right of nominating and appointing Rectors of the Academy of Gatehouse of Fleet in

in manner specified in a Bond and Disposition granted by the said James Murray Esquire of even date with the said Disposition and assignation in favour of the Reverend Mathew Vicars then Rector of the said Academy and his successors in office; and also all and whole the lands of Kirkcarsel or Kirkcassell and Drumbuie; all and the whole the Lands of Barclay or Barcloy; all and whole the lands of Culnaughtry, the lands of Auchinleck, Drungans and Blackford; and all and whole the lands of Nether Hazlefield with Houses biggins yards orchyards mosses muirs meadows woods fishings and whole parts pendicles  priviliges and pertinents of the same lying within the parish of Rerrick or Dundrennan and Stewartry of Kirkcudbright together with the teinds parsonage and

and vicarage of the whole lands and others above described.

Searched the Particular register of Sasines Revisions & kept at Dumfries for the Shire thereof and Stewartries of Kirkcudbright and Annandale for the twenty first day of June to the nineteenth day of October (3 o Clock p.m.) both in the year eighteen hundred and thirty seven and found no Deed or other Imcumbrances affecting the lands and others particularly described.
     (signed) Wm Goldie     Keeper

Searched the foresaid register of Sasines kept at Dumfries from the first day of February to the twenty eighth day of May both in the year Eighteen hundred and forty one, but found no Deeds or Incumbrances affecting the lands and others before described
     (signed) Wm. Goldie    Keeper

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Searched the foresaid Register of Sasines kept at Dumfries from the [------]
     (signed) Wm Goldie

the twenty eighth day of September Eighteen hundred and forty one Int, 10 & 11 Allt. to the Thirty first day of January Eighteen hundred and forty two, Int 3 & 4 pm but found no deed affecting the lands of Cally Girthon and others before described.
     (signed) Wm Goldie